Austen & Partners

Legal, Tax, Estate & Management Consult

Background/Who am I

ammieMy fathersĀ“ descent from an entrepreneurial family has given me the want to be self supporting and independent. My mothersĀ“ talent to organize our large family taught me to have an iron will.
I prefer to consider a problem as a challenge; putting my teeth into it and not letting go before I tried out each and every possible solution. This turned out to be quite use full because of the seemingly infinite patience you often have to have with public authorities.
As far as possible I also like to look at the humorous side of whatever occurs. With a smile you get a smile.. This also often helps to break whatever tension. Your opponent is only human too, who, of course, is not to be underestimated, as opponent that is.

I completed my Dutch law study in my so beautiful Bourgundian hometown Maastricht. I then already focussed on international private law that very often has been subject of my consult up until now. I interned in a middle sized Dutch Law firm and completed the vocational education and training for lawyers. I then established as an entrepreneur working in the field of international legal consult, first in Holland and now already for more than 20 years in Spain which offered me a field of work that never stopped challenging me…
